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Pornography and masturbation create erectile dysfunction 

Free Japanese xxx for Adult - When erection problems depend on excessive consumption of pornography "I started watching pornographic videos as a teenager. The past 20 years I started having erection problems up to the 30 where I could not even longer to have sex. I tried a thousand reasons for this: that my partners were not quite attractive, stress, performance anxiety, poor physical training. But it's only when I realized that I could not even reach orgasm masturbating without porn that finally something clicked in me. Now the origin of problem is obvious and I'm angry with myself for having ruined 10 years of good sex with my partner. "
M., 32

More and more men are experiencing lack of sexual desire and increase erection problems because of pornographic material which is now easily and in large quantities on the Internet. This is revealed by a search of SIAMS, the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine. The study involved 28,000 men and Italians showed how many consult almost daily pornography jerking. And this causes a progressive decrease in their sexual desire in the couple's relationship until it becomes almost impossible to have erections.

A dependence on strong feelings

Find Japanese xxx 2015 ? Pornography can be addictive, just like the smoking addiction, gambling, food or video games ... with the difference that the sex of the sensations even more intense in other assets and thus the dependence is stronger. Usually we talk about addiction are evident only when the negative effects that this entails: the addiction to smoking is bad for health, that of the game hurts the pockets, the food is bad for your line. Given that the wide availability of Internet porn is so recent a phenomenon and no mention yet of its side effects, is hardly ever defined dependence, although in fact it is in effect.

This problem is particularly acute in Japan, where it gets a very high consumption of porn (think that has doubled in the last two years). It happens more frequently than men lose interest in sex with real women because they are not challenging enough; can not compete with the over-stimulation of pornography on the internet. And unfortunately, as he tried searching the SIAMS, this phenomenon is coming rapidly in Italy. How to download xxx Japan 2015 ( Asianporn ) ?

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